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The Breville Barista Express(BES870XL) was unable to build pressure. It pushed water fine without the portafilter. With the portafilter inserted, it formed a puddle on the counter. Buying a new espresso machine because of my poor technique didn't sit right.

Here's a shot being pulled under pressure. The leak from the solenoid valve on the right is not by design.
Here's under the hood. Water enters the solenoid valve assembly from the bottom left. Some combination of the (steam | hot water) switch and the shot pulling button control the valves (What happens if I try to pull a shot while using the steam wand? :o ). Water destined for the group head will only reach the end of the valve assembly under pressure if both steam and water valves are closed. (If anyone knows better please email me or something, I'm just guessing here). It looks like all three of these circuits (steam, hot water, and group head) route through the valve assembly and into the thermoblock at the top of the photo. Anyways, because the valve assembly was cracked below the solenoid valve on the right, the circuit couldn't hold pressure and the water leaked.
The culprit. This crack looks like it was caused by overpressurization. I must have tamped too hard, or ground too fine (maybe both!). I would have expected the valve assembly to be able to withstand the maximum pressure output from the pump in the machine, so maybe overpressurization isn't the cause.

Placed an order for a replacement solenoid valve assembly here: Swapping out this part took an hour or so and we were back in business.